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Mail Out Conformer
Hats  >  Hat Accessories  >  Custom Head Hat Stretcher  >  Mail Out Conformer
Mail Out Conformer

Normally, we require the customer's presence in the hat shop in order to measure their head, but now we have a mail out conformer that we can mail out to the customers, they can measure their head with it and send it back to us.  Once we get it back we can trace out the shape of their head on a piece of paper and then set the formillion to that shape and then create their head shape in their hat.

information about how the mail out conformer measures customer's head and provides an outline of the shape of the customer's head


Lone Star Western Store
Lone Star Hatters
Western Wear & Tack
Custom Handmade Western Hats
Western Hat Renovation

Jim & Jeanine Proctor
11206 Longshore
Big Spring, Texas

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